Money to help my Ukrainian family / Money to help my Ukrainian family
Money to help my Ukrainian family / Money to help my Ukrainian family
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 250 816 zrzutek i zebrali 1 415 642 535 zł
A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
Opis zrzutki
I am collecting money to support my Ukrainian relatives who were forced to flee Ukraine and who suffered from the russian invasion. With these money we will provide them with all necessary things, accommodation, clothes and other stuff.
English below:
I am collecting money to support my Ukrainian family, both relatives who stayed in Ukraine, and those who were forced to flee.
Several members of my family had to go abroad to save their lives from shelling, they left everything they had in Ukraine, and now they are temporarily living in another country.
At the same time, most of my family/relatives stayed in Ukraine. They are working, helping neighbors, and defending my country in different ways.
I want to support them and collect money for different needs. With this money, we will buy food, medicine, clothes, equipment, powerbanks, some necessities, and other things.

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