id: ptk6me

Baja - adopt her virtually! / Baja - adopt her virtually!

Baja - adopt her virtually! / Baja - adopt her virtually!

Zrzutka została wyłączona przez organizatora
Wpłaty nieaktywne - wymagane działanie Organizatora zrzutki. Jeśli jesteś Organizatorem - zaloguj się i podejmij wymagane działania.

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 161 000 zrzutek i zebrali 1 205 529 182 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?


  • Unfortunately Baja has passed away just after the end of our fundriser. So we decided the best use of the amount raised was to help other cats from the same shelter.


    We bought 3 kg of biscuits and 16 cans of wet food thanks to your donations. Thank you very much for the kindness you showed to Baja during her last weeks.

    2500 znaków

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Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze aktualności.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze aktualności.

Opis zrzutki

Pick your favorite animal and virtually adopt them today!

We’d like to invite you to take part in our new charity action organised in cooperation with Karmimy Psiaki - Virtual Adoptions!


By symbolically adopting an animal of your choice, you are helping to pay for its daily care, maintenance, and feedings in a shelter. You can choose either one-time or monthly donation.

This will be a permanent event but each month you’ll be able to help two different animals. Who knows, maybe one of these cats and dogs will steal someone’s heart and find a forever home? 

Meet these amazing animals and become a virtual caregiver!

English below:

Pick your favorite animal and virtually adopt them today!

We’d like to invite you to take part in our new charity action organised in cooperation with Karmimy Psiaki - Virtual Adoptions!


By symbolically adopting an animal of your choice, you are helping to pay for its daily care, maintenance, and feedings in a shelter. You can choose either one-time or monthly donation.

This will be a permanent event but each month you’ll be able to help two different animals. Who knows, maybe one of these cats and dogs will steal someone’s heart and find a forever home? 

Meet these amazing animals and become a virtual caregiver!

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Pierwsza na świecie Karta Wpłatnicza. Twój mini-terminal.
Pierwsza na świecie Karta Wpłatnicza. Twój mini-terminal.
Dowiedz się więcej

Wpłaty 4

Użytkownik niezarejestrowany
25 zł
Dane ukryte
Aneta Tracz
Dane ukryte


2500 znaków
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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