For the prosthesis and Mariusz's return to activity / For the prosthesis and Mariusz's return to activity
For the prosthesis and Mariusz's return to activity / For the prosthesis and Mariusz's return to activity
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zebrano do skarbonki
Zrzutka została wyłączona przez organizatora.
Opis skarbonki


My name is Karolina and I am a close friend of Mariusz's family. I would like to share something with you.

Mariusz is an amazing man from the School of New Evangelization in Otwock, a long-time former employee of the foundation ‘zaNim’ (followHim) and a bookstore/cafe chain: ‘Niebo w mieście’ (Heaven in the city). Before the amputation of his right leg, without even a day off during the coronavirus, he worked in a hospital in Międzylesie as a deputy kitchen manager.

He is a man of prayer. He always has time to pray for others and never leaves a person in need. Many have received Favours and Grace for which he interceded with his wife Sylwia. He helped hundreds of people in Poland. He was also on a brief mission in Denmark. He prayed for the country and its priests. In the future, he wants to open a channel on Youtube to help others even more effectively with his theological knowledge and experience of living with Jesus. He actively participates in charity actions organised by the ‘Jestem By Służyć’ (I Am To Serve) Foundation and the God's Atelier Foundation, through which he, together with Sylwia, undertook the remote adoption of a child from the Ivory Coast.

Today he needs the help himself. As a result of many years of illness, at the end of January 2022, Mariusz’s right leg was amputated below the knee. This unexpected situation entails a number of additional costs for the whole family - not only the purchase of a prosthesis, but also visits to specialists, long-term rehabilitation, the need to adapt the layout of the apartment for disabled access. Moreover, due to the fact that he lives in a block on the third floor with no lift, he also needs a stair climber or a chairlift to get out of the apartment. 

Despite funding from Polish organisations such as National Health Fund and PFRON, it is impossible for Mariusz's family to finance all the above-mentioned purchases on their own. Financing those would allow him to function actively in everyday life. Mariusz, following the example of St. Brother Albert and St. Ignatius of Loyola still wants to preach the Gospel.

Currently, Mariusz is on a disability pension, and his temporary employment contract ends in April this year. (It is not possible to extend it due to the state of his health). They live mainly on the wife's salary. They have three daughters out of which 2 are over 18, but they are still studying and need the support of their parents.

Thank you very much for each and every donation, which brings Mariusz back to active everyday life.

Every day we place each of you, supporters, in God's hands. We thank you and we pray for you.

Sending you warmest regards 💓


Karolina Kamola.

English below:


1 zł
zebrano do skarbonki
Zrzutka została wyłączona przez organizatora. Sp. z o.o. al. Karkonoska 59, 53-015 Wrocław, Polska. KRS: 0000634168. Kapitał zakładowy: 550 000 PLN. Krajowa instytucja płatnicza nadzorowana przez Komisję Nadzoru Finansowego. czytaj więcej to narzędzie do samodzielnego zorganizowania zbiórki pieniężnej na dowolnie wybrany cel, za darmo, bez prowizji. to nie tylko platforma crowdfundingowa (crowdfunding - finansowanie społecznościowe wybranego projektu) i fundraisingowa (fundraising - zbieranie pieniędzy poprzez wsparcie osób, firm, fundacji). To przede wszystkim wirtualna portmonetka/skarbonka, do której zrzucają się wszyscy zainteresowani określonym celem: zbiórka charytatywna, na prezent, na projekt/biznes, na wyjazd ze znajomymi - Ty określasz cel. to w pewien sposób "mix" platform takich jak Kickstarter czy Indiegogo z najbardziej znanym wirtualnym portfelem świata jakim jest PayPal. Zrzutkę może założyć osoba prywatna, a także firma, fundacja, instytucja. Zrób zrzutkę, zaproś znajomych i zobacz jak prosto jest zbierać pieniądze online!
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