id: byeu97

Serwer mc szybciej niż Sawicki XD

Serwer mc szybciej niż Sawicki XD

Inactive donations - the required operation of the Organiser of the fundraiser. If you are an Organiser - log in and take the required action.

Our users created 1 213 949 fundraisers and raised 1 312 254 168 zł

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no zrobie ja ten serwer kurwa bo temu debilowi sie nie chce

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There is no description yet.

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The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
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Donations 4

Mikołaj Wasik
15 zł
10 zł
Patryk Cyrulik
10 zł
Filip Szremski
1 zł

Comments 3

2500 characters