id: cns5gm

First aid kits for Ukrainian soldiers

First aid kits for Ukrainian soldiers

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There is a guy, Vlad, who is assembling first aid kits and further sending them to the frontline for last 2 years. Each of these first aid kits includes the list of first aid items that can save life, including high-quality tourniquet. He personally showed the kit and explained what’s inside.

So there is an opportunity get together with several co-workers for a day in Vinnytsia, Ukraine and assemble kits under the guideness of Vlad and his paramedic friends.

Appfire company supports us for 50 extra kits, so we plan to gather as much money as we can in the next several weeks before assembling kits. 1 aid kit costs approximately 105 USD.

Each aid kit can safe a life, at least a life! We hope our joint effort will save hundreds! Thank you so much, for your help!

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Donations 17

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20 zł
100 zł
Sebastian Miałkowski
100 zł
100 zł
Szymon Michalski
100 zł
p st
500 zł
100 zł
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User unregistered
1000 zł
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