id: e8edan

Zbieram na rozwijanie pasji jaką sa własnoręcznie robione kosmetyki / I am collecting for developing passion which is natural cosmetics

Zbieram na rozwijanie pasji jaką sa własnoręcznie robione kosmetyki / I am collecting for developing passion which is natural cosmetics

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Our users created 1 216 068 fundraisers and raised 1 317 919 968 zł

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Czesc :)

Postanowilam sprobowac w ten sposob uzbierac pieniazki na swoje marzenie, ktore zawsze odkladalam na pozniej, a pozniej przeciez moze nie byc. :) Prosze dajcie mi mozliwosc rozwijania sie :)

English below:

Hi :) I decided to try in this way to collect money for my dream, which I always put off later, and later, after all, may not be. :) Please, give me the opportunity to grow :)

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Hi, for people who decide to support me, I will draw 3 for whom I will make personalized candles :)
50 zł

Donations 1

Pigwa Szy.
5 zł


2500 characters
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