id: rjzthe

Polskie napisy do Marshall Rosenberg Making Life Wondeful 3/4 filmu

Polskie napisy do Marshall Rosenberg Making Life Wondeful 3/4 filmu

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Our users created 1 214 007 fundraisers and raised 1 312 401 278 zł

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Zbieramy pieniądze na stworzenie polskich napisów do filmu Marshalla Rosenberga.

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There is no description yet.

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The world's first Payment Card. Your mini-terminal.
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Donations 13

Tadeusz Gulina
100 zł
Marcin Jakubiak
50 zł
Ola Bielińska
25 zł
Paula Jackowska
21 zł
Hidden data
15 zł
Elżbieta Terech-Majewska
15 zł
Sulecki Marek
15 zł
14 zł
Piotr Kudelka
10 zł
Hidden data
10 zł
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