id: x8r9yv

Na geek dla geek'ów

Na geek dla geek'ów

Our users created 1 214 010 fundraisers and raised 1 312 402 539 zł

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zrzutka na utkanie geekowych chusty do noszenia dzieci

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The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
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Donations 15

Magdalena Stachurska-Zborowska
Adriana Płonka
180 zł
Ewa Kapusta
180 zł
100 zł
Jola Sternik
160 zł
108 zł
200 zł
Katarzyna Włodek
100 zł
Maria Berska
192 zł
96 zł
See more

Comments 2

2500 characters