id: xf76jd

Na coś była ta zrzutka / To build a house

Na coś była ta zrzutka / To build a house

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Zrzutka zamknięta. Nie ma potrzeby zachowywania całej treści. Chcesz poznać szczegóły - zgłoś się do mnie, to opowiem Ci dlaczego była i jaki przyniosła efekt.

English below:

What shall I say… Those who are familiar with our story know that we have no place to live and every month we have to pay our mortgage for a house we are not able to finish building, which is not exactly our fault. Same old story. You may just walk by and not care. Thanks to all of those who decide to do otherwise and stop for a while! Small donations from many people may change our life for better. This is the plan: we have a building plot and the foundations on which the house was to be built are ready. Only when we succeed in building the house will we be able to sell another part of our building plot and pay off the mortgage (selling it first would result in our losing the building permit) or, if a miracle happens, have our dream come true (see “The Dream” on our blog) and one day set up a “House for Broken Lives” there. We have been helping people who were severely hurt for a long time – especially those sexually abused in childhood, priests and nuns who lost sense of life. It is our privilege and mission to help such people, but they usually have no money and need some financial support. For as long as we could, we shared what we had, but now we have no place to live. We did not think about raising money because we were ashamed to show that we need help ourselves. Besides, there are lots of people in worse position and maybe we shouldn’t want more. Our friends, however, don’t let us think so and keep asking difficult questions. We can only put our heads down and admit we run out of possibilities. We’ve been living in England for two years. My husband, instead of helping people and giving lectures, painted roofs and walls, installed floors and packed furniture. Now he works for a nursing home like a Care Assistant. Why? Because our Polish university wages are so low, we can barely pay the mortgage installment and the rent. There stays nothing left to live on. Why can’t we do something else? I have written a part of our story on our blog – see the link below. Life brought it’s own screenplay which prevented us from reaching the standard of living from 10 years ago. Of course we can live anywhere and just think of bringing some bread home. We would be fine. We just can’t do only that, because we know how many people need help and how few understand their problems. We have experienced them on our own and we know we can all live liberated from evil that has experienced us. That we can live in the truth and in peace with ourselves and God. We know that God calls for truth, calls for the hurt ones, and wants them to know, especially those who were hurt by priests, that this has nothing to do with Love and that He loves them. We want to help people and assist their first steps because we know that even if the finances are not best, we still are the best proof that live has sense, that one can be happy anywhere. I strongly recommend my husband’s book “Pod skorupą milczenia”, Szaron publishing (transl. Under the Shell of Muteness). Thanks to all who are thinking about me with kindness and empathy. Find our story on the blog: (in English soon)

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Donations 40

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1500 zł
1000 zł
Misja Pielgrzym
1000 zł
Marcin Kuszczak
1000 zł
Andrzej & Urszula
Hidden data
300 zł
Adam Kociszewski
300 zł
Piotr Budzinowski
300 zł
300 zł
Hidden data
200 zł
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